Even though the chances of a potential vaccine for Corona virus are quite strong, we as human beings cannot cut loose in terms of precautions and hygiene. Besides adhering to all the guidelines and instructions issued by the government, everyone must take good care of their diet and routine.
Discussing a healthy dietary routine, you should consider bringing the right foods and beverages to your daily routine and lifestyle. Mohsen motamedian export, who has earned some big name in the health and wellness world, likewise agrees to the same fact.
According to him, any individual around can guarantee great health and wellbeing while essentially including the below-mentioned food options to their meal platter.
1. Eggs
Eggs are stacked with all the great proteins and healthy fats. Consequently, you can depend on them to bring along some good nutrition during these striving times. Talking about the protein content, a whole egg contains around 6 grams of proteins.
Eggs can be devoured in raw, cooked, or boiled form and this is the place where it comes over as one of the most flexible food alternatives around.
2. Fresh Vegetables and Fruits
Aside from proteins, your body likewise requires other macro and micronutrients and minerals. Now, this is when the consumption of all the fresh fruits and veggies comes as a pre-requisite.
And yes, all of these fruits and vitamins are loaded with Vitamins and Minerals. At this pandemic hour, you truly need to top off your meal platter with heaps of Vitamin C and antioxidants
For every one of those individuals who don’t think a lot about Vitamin C, it truly assists with enhancing your body’s immunity to greater levels. In this way, feasting on most of the citrus fruit options like oranges, lemon, and amla is continually going to be useful in your endeavors to battle this Virus.
Besides, you should likewise go with all the non-starchy veggies like yam, kale, spinach, broccoli, consistently. These veggies are high in fibers and healthy carbs and you can count on them for a healthy gut and digestive tract.
3. Spices and Condiments
Just in case you don’t know much about the pertinence of certain spices and condiments in treating infections and contaminations, you are totally losing on some key information related to your health and wellbeing. As per Mohsen motamedian export, certain Indian spices and condiments like turmeric, cinnamon, clove, and garlic have demonstrated their adequacy in treating various health issues around.
As indicated by Mohsen motamedian, these home remedies are exceptionally utilized across various households and families in Asia and Africa.
4. Tea and Coffee
While Tea and coffee come along like a good source of antioxidants, you should cut the sugar and dairy from the recipe to grab the best benefits out of the same. Both Tea and Coffee comes stacked with antioxidants that empower our body to battle all sort of cold, fever, flu, and related health issues.
Mohsen motamedian export further recommends one to two servings of dairy and sugar-free Tea or Coffee to keep your health in tact during this pandemic hour. Additionally, you can opt for various other versions of tea or coffee to shed some extra weight from your body.